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Nationalité : États-Unis
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Nicole Fiorina est auteure de romance.

"Stay With Me" (2019), son premier roman et le premier tome d'une trilogie, a été traduit en plusieurs langues.

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Bibliographie de Nicole Fiorina   (5)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (24) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Parce que l’amour est constant. Quand on aime quelqu’un, on peut être en colère contre lui, on peut le haïr, on peut être contrarié ou déçu par lui, mais on ne cesse jamais de l’aimer parce que l’amour supporte toutes les autres émotions.
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It was in that moment I noticed his green eyes. They were beautiful. Rare. A color so distinguishable, but indescribable at the same time. It was the color of the reflection of palm trees across a shoreline when the sun was at his highest point in the day. the color was noon. It wasn't deep blue shade of the ocean past the reflection of the tree line, or white when the faom gathered in the stand, but the sweet spot in the middle. it was the perfect timing when tree of God's creations collided : the sun, trees, and water.
It was breathtaking, even in the damn mirror.
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À un moment donné, au cours des cinq dernières minutes, j'avais pensé qu'il était le diable en personne. Seul Satan pouvait fendre ma carapace indestructible et m'attirer à lui comme Ollie l'avait fait.
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He'd been a handsome man once, but even with Diane around, loneliness had sucked the life out of him. Bags scalloped under his brown eyes, and he'd lost all his muscle.
Marriage would do that to you.
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" You said it would pass, but it didn't. and then in the mess hall, you can't even look at me...but I want to be seen by you, Mia." His eyes scanned my face. "I really like it."
" You like being looked at ?" Finally words. I was able to speak.
He raised a brow. "It does feed my narcissism, but it's different with you". He lifted a hand off the wall. "Even though you claim this to be so dangerous."
I straightened my posture when he took a step back. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
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Les sentiments qui m'envahissaient s'intensifiaient à chaque seconde passée près de lui. Je savais qui j'étais et ce que j'étais, mais j'étais aussi consciente de ce qu'il me faisait ressentir, et j'en avais besoin. J'en avais envie. Mon âme vide avait soif de quelque chose, et il comblait chaque manque, chaque partie de moi.
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I kept him at arm"s lenght. "Why?"
Our breathing was erratic.
A mix of defeat and determination washed over his features. "Because I'm selfish," he whispered and wet his already glistening lips, "and I don't want anyone else to see any part of you."
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" You're so beautiful," he whispered from his throat.
I shook my head. "No talking."
His eyes drifted up and down before they met mine again. "I don't think you understand, love. I'm talking, and I'm saying you are fucking beautiful."
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" No, I think I'm getting somewhere... Let me ask you something else. When was the last time you cried ?"

She could't be serious.

"I don't cry. You have to have feelings to cry."
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Cette fille est mon paradis. Avec des lèvres d'ange, le goût sucré de la pitié persiste. Elle a des halos dans les yeux, et mon coeur bat au son de ses ailes.
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Céleste ma planète

De quelle forme sont les tâches qu'à Céleste sur le corps ?

en forme triangulaire
en forme de pays ou de continents
ce sont des points
ces tâches n'ont pas de forme

10 questions
999 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Céleste, ma planète de Timothée de FombelleCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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