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Johnny Mains (Directeur de publication)
EAN : 9780712354325
288 pages
British Library Publishing (20/10/2022)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
"Would you believe me, people? From the day the Dearg-daol laid eyes on the little girl, she began dwindling and dwindling, like a fire that wouldn’t be mended... After a quarter she was only a shadow. After another month she was in the churchyard."

From the shorelines, hills and crags of ancient lands, tales of twisted creatures, sins against nature and pagan revenants have been passed down from generation to generation. In the nineteenth and twentie... >Voir plus

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Des écrivains aux prénoms rares

Première question, facile: quel était le prénom de l’immense romancier Balzac ?


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