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EAN : 9780711293311
192 pages
Frances Lincoln (28/05/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
A stunning collection of 1000 images from the RHS archives:
Vintage artwork
Birds, insects and animals
Fruits and vegetables
Flowers, leaves and other botanical illustrations
Inspiration and tips on successful collaging from leading UK collagist Katy McNulty (
Made for everyone, from the absolute beginner to the experienced collagist

Bring the beautiful botanical to your collages with t... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Collage the Botanical WorldVoir plus

Video de Royal Horticultural Society (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de  Royal Horticultural Society
Sit back and enjoy a break from the ordinary as Tom Stuart-Smith, the UK's leading garden designer, takes us on a personal tour of the stunning gardens at The Barn, his home in the Hertfordshire countryside.
Stuart-Smith has designed gardens, parks and landscapes in Europe, India, Morocco, the United States and the Caribbean and worked with clients such as the Royal Horticultural of Society, the Royal Academy of Arts and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The gardens at The Barn are just one of the extraordinary landscape design projects explored in ‘Tom Stuart-Smith: Drawn From the Land', out now:
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Victor Hugo:

Notre-Dame de Paris
La mer rouge

20 questions
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