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EAN : 9780743415668
464 pages
Pocket Books (30/11/-1)
3.25/5   4 notes
Résumé :

Rose and Maggie think they have nothing in common but a childhood tragedy, shared DNA and the same size feet, but they are about to find out that they're more alike than they'd ever believe. (differet colour please) Rose Feller is thirty; a successful lawyer with high hopes of a relationship with Jim, Mr Not-Quite-Right, a senior partner in her firm. The last thing she needs is her messed-up, only occasionally employed sister Maggie moving in: drinking, s... >Voir plus
Que lire après In her shoesVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
“She and her friends would talk about their husbands like they were children, or pets - some strange species responsible for bad smells and strange noises and messes they'd have to clean up.”
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Videos de Jennifer Weiner (9) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Jennifer Weiner
Interview with author Jennifer Weiner and editor Greer Hendricks - Part 2
autres livres classés : cinemaVoir plus

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Livres et Films

Quel livre a inspiré le film "La piel que habito" de Pedro Almodovar ?

'Double peau'
'La mygale'
'La mue du serpent'
'Peau à peau'

10 questions
7133 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : Cinéma et littérature , films , adaptation , littérature , cinemaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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